Sunday, May 24, 2009

Residential Programm Starts!!!!

     This week starts the first annual Residential Programme here at IPNA. We are happy to have three students come in for the summer. Two are from here in Ireland and one is coming in from Sweden.
     We are bringing in some guest instructors. Greg will be here for most of the programme. He has a BSc in Animal Tracking and has passion for the primitive skills. Kristy has a MPhil and will be teaching the philosophy of Nature.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Medical Anthropology

Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak,men mistake medicine for magic.-Thomas Szasz
            Medical anthropology is an emerging science bridging the concentrations of anthropology, wilderness medicine, and history. As a discipline of anthropology it connects the anthropological theory and methods with the study of health, illness and healing. It is a focus that first emerged in the mid nineteenth century and has rapidly grown to become one of the largest areas of research and practice within anthropology (Baer, 1997). Specialties can be found within the medical anthropology spectrum.